Saturday, October 11, 2008

Keep Up The Good Work.

Proposition 8 on the California ballot, which would negate a state Supreme Court ruling legalizing homosexual "marriage," appears to be gaining strength.

Previous polls have shown the traditional marriage supporters trailing, but a new one by a San Francisco CBS television station shows Prop. 8 is ahead 47 to 42 percent. "Ten percent are still undecided. It means it's still a close race, but the shift still seems to be taking place," says Randy Thomasson of The pro-family activist believes success will depend on two factors -- encouraging people to vote, and getting Christians to vote according to the Bible. Thomasson is hopeful pastors will take an active role as the election nears. "They've got to be men of God who are bold and courageous and say, 'God says marriage is only for a man and woman,'" he adds. "We all must be Christians, not just people who say they're Christians and do not follow Christ in this matter." Thomasson attributes the new poll results in part to a new television commercial that does an effective job of selling the traditional view of marriage as well as the homosexual activists imposing acceptance of their lifestyle on everyone else.


Anonymous said...

I thought the surveys which showed that people typically voted to support traditional marriage more than the polls say were quite interesting. Apparently people are afraid of admitting to a pollster that they don't support homosexuality, in all likelihood because they don't want to be politically incorrect or seen as bigots, but in the privacy of the voting booth, people will vote their true consciences. Hopefully that holds true this time, and Prop 8 will have even more supporters than expected.

Anonymous said...

The more I’m involved in this campaign, the more I see the face of the other side, the more I realize, these are not your average happy go lucky people with merely a different opinion. There are elements of the Gay movement that are out for blood. It’s these activist groups that persuade us to hand over more and more of our rights. I’m realizing that even if we win this thing in California….this issue isn’t beaten. It’s only the beginning. We’ve got to fight for a constitutional amendment at the federal level. Winning California will give us the momentum we need to launch a national campaign. We need to do it.