Saturday, October 11, 2008

Protect California.

Empowering Families exists for the purpose of taking the hurt out of relationships and strengthening the family. Proposition 8 on the California ballot in November, supports those two purposes. If it is defeated, the sanctity of marriage will be destroyed and its powerful influence on the betterment of society will be lost. A defeat would result in the very meaning of marriage being changed to nothing more than a contractual agreement between individuals. No longer will the best interest of the child and families even be considered.
The marriage of a man and a woman has been at the core of society since the very beginning. Much research has found that the ideal environment for a child to be raised is with both a father and a mother living together in the same home to even entertain the thought of anything less than that for our children.
Divorce and death already disrupt the ideal situation for children and as a society, we need to put the best interest of our children first, which has been proven to be in a traditional home with a father and a mother. Voting No on Proposition 8 would destroy marriage, as we know it and cause profound harm and hurt to children, families and, in the long run, to our society as a whole.
Proposition 8 is about preserving marriage, not about attacking a gay or lesbian lifestyle. It does not take away any rights or benefits already enjoyed by the homosexual community. Under California law, “domestic partners shall have the same rights, protection and benefits” as married spouses (Family Code §295.5). Prop 8 will not change any of that.
In 2000 nearly 2/3 of the voters passed Proposition 22 to reaffirm the traditional definition of marriage and four activist judges in San Francisco overturned that vote calling it unconstitutional. That is why it is necessary for those same 14 words to now be presented as a constitutional amendment. Those 14 words are:
“Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”
By amending the California Constitution, the courts will be required to uphold traditional marriage instead of overturning the will of the people on this issue again.
Proposition 8 is endorsed not only by Empowering Families, but by a wide range of local, state and national organizations as well as other businesses and individuals. To learn more and to view a list of supporters, visit
To become involved on a personal level, getting the word out on Prop 8, you can call at: (916) 446-2956.


Heather said...

keep up the good work! we need everyone's help to pass prop 8. it's nice to see all of the support out there in the blogosphere.

emmanuel said...

Thanks for caring and trying to make a difference. I support Prop 8, let's keep marriage between a man and a woman.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your blog and great information! Thank you :)
We're voting YES! Prop. 8.
we also like and, and!

Anonymous said...


You have a great blog!

I'm proud to stand with you and vote YES! on Prop. 8.

Voting for Prop. 8 is a vote for American freedom.

I personally know people, and have read of many accounts, where people who stood up for freedom were threatened, sometimes violently and with death threats, by those seeking for same-sex mar-riage.

This tells me very clearly what their motives are and how they plan to get what they want at the expense of American freeom, our freedom.

As the Mayor of San Fransico put it in a very anti-American way, they don't care what we want. They want what they want and they don't want us to be able to do anything about it.

Prop. 8 is not just about marriage. It is about freedom.

Thanks for your blot and for standing up for freedom.

Anonymous said...

This is such a huge issue. The more I learn, the more I'm amazed that things have gotten this far!

If we allow the gay lobby to define the gay marriage moral issue as a civil rights issue, those fundamental social changes that came with other civil rights will inevitably follow. Will those of us with differing opinions on marriage now be discriminated against? Are we so naïve as to think that once something is deemed a “civil right” that it will have a lesser effect on society than any other civil right?

My sister recently stood up as a private citizen in support of traditional marriage and was immediately targeted by activists in the gay community. She got hate mail at her house, that for weeks has continued. Who would do that? It’s unfathomable to me, but that’s not the worst of it. They looked up her name and her husband’s name online and found her photography business information. Her business was inundated with requests to perform her photography services at gay weddings in direct opposition to her beliefs, with the threat of discrimination lawsuits if she refused. This new “civil right” protection trumps her right to religion and free speech in the law.

Personally, I don’t see Proposition 8 taking anything away from civil unions or partner laws. I see Proposition 8 as separate from the gay issue. It’s more about legal protection for those of us who would rather have private matters be private and who wish to preserve our own free speech and freedom of religion rights. To see the issue as just an issue of “love” ignores the legal behemoth that attends it.

emi. said...

this is a great post. do you think you could comment on my blog?

you have some really good points here.

just if you have time.

yes on prop 8!