Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Do Whats Right...

I believe in human rights. I believe in civil liberty. I believe that no government or law of man has the right to compel anyone or any entity to perform any act or service contrary to his own beliefs as long as his beliefs does not constitute harm to others. This is the reason why I will vote yes on Prop. 8. Prop. 8 will reaffirm the voice of the people in California that marriage is between a man and a woman. And those four activist judges in San Francisco cannot and should not be the voice of the populous overwhelmingly passed what was then Prop. 22 in the year 2000. Preserving the definition of traditional marriage is important for California and good for our society.
I am not prejudice. I respect individual rights and the freedom of choice. I have neighbors who are gay. They are good and decent people. I respect their rights to choose. I accept them as what they are. I don't impose my values on them and they don't impose their values on me. But if Prop. 8 does not pass, the law will demand their values be imposed on me. All businesses, all entities and all of us will be compelled by law to treat all marriages without distinction. The schools in California will be compelled to teach children and that children must accept that same-sex marriage is the same as traditional marriage. Any child does not accept all marriages are same would be construed as breaking the law. Churches will be forced to perform same-sex marriages even if that is contrary to the church's position. Churches would not be able to use their doctrinal beliefs to defend their positions.
The opponents viewed this as another scare tactic. I wish this is only a scare tactic but it is the truth. It is happening in states such as Massachusetts where same-sex marriage is legalized. Passing of Prop. 8 will protect individual liberty, protect our schools from mandatory teaching same-sex marriage to our children and protect our churches from performing marriages contrary to their doctrine.


Anonymous said...

The evidence is in and it's mounting! Everyone can see it for themselves at www.protectmarriage.com, www.preservingmarriage.org, and www.ifprop8fails.org and on great blogs like yours! Prop. 8 is a vote for American Freedom for all of us (you, me, and same-sexuals). I'm proud to stand with ALL freedom loving Americans to vote YES! On Prop. 8.

Anonymous said...

Does Proposition 8 take existing rights away from same-sex couples?

No. All the rights gay couples have in current civil unions will still be in force.

What is Prop 8? Check out www.whatisprop8.com for Articles, Research, and Viewpoints

Anonymous said...

Does Proposition 8 take existing rights away from same-sex couples?

No. All the rights gay couples have in current civil unions will still be in force.

What is Prop 8? Check out www.whatisprop8.com for Articles, Research, and Viewpoints

beetlebabee said...

The idea that our public school administrators are unbiased observers in this election or in our children’s moral education is a farce.

TODAY in our town, a prop 8 sign that was too close to school property was destroyed by two Conejo Valley Unified administrators. It was caught on camera.


There’s no way they can say that they are unbiased in this debate. The ferocity and cruelty shows through. This is who runs our schools. This is the face of tolerance. As much as I would like to believe that this is a rarity, 200,000 stolen, defaced, destroyed and vandalized signs proves otherwise.